Television shows with Stunning Tablescapes

These are all set during the Victorian, Edwardian, and 1910s periods. This is what most tableware lovers think of, when they’re looking for spectacular tableware and its placement. 1.  Upstairs / Downstairs – Old To be honest this series hasn’t aged as gracefully as one would hope. The china is pretty wonderful though every now an…

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All The Stuff: Hand Fans – Part 2 (Fan Details)

Here is a quick overview of fans, fan anatomy and styles. This is not exhaustive and is just meant to be a quick reference. Fan Types Fixed Fans As I said in my last fan post, the fixed fan was likely the earliest form of man made hand fan. The earliest of these is a…

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Having a Ball: Part One. In which we decide to throw a ball.

Anyone who loves romantic period dramas, loves the idea of a ball. It’s so fanciful, with all those lovely dresses, white tie and top hats. I covered the differences between a Ball and a Dance in an earlier post, but now let’s look at the minutia of going to a ball by planning one. Where…

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Vintage Fashion: Hatpins

For years my mother wore a large brimmed sun hat out in the garden affixed with a hat pin.  She had dozens of hats made of every conceivable type of material and she had many hatpins to match.  In my twenties I began wearing hats often, so my mother gave me a couple hatpins.  That began a very…

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Staffing: The Out Of House Staff

It really is amazing just how much staff was needed to run a country home. We’re finally leaving the main house and now we’re headed outside. Coachman/ Chauffeur The coachman is in charge of the carriages and drives the family about.  In a large household the first Coachman drove two horse teams and the second coachman…

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