Old Timey Cookin’: The Chafing Dish Part Two, In which we learn how to use a chafing dish and it’s useful(ish) etiquette

Chafing dishes are wonderfully simple bits of kit. Given that it’s one of the oldest forms of cookery, it’s not a surprise that they’re basic. It’s a container to hold a hot flame, a water bath to keep the food from burning and a dish for cooking and/or keeping food hot. If you’re using a…

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Old Timey Cookin’: The Chafing Dish, Part One. In which we discover the joys of table top cookery.

“Chafing dish cookery was one of the earliest known branches of the culinary art, having been held in high repute from almost prehistoric times, although it has recently enjoyed a revival at the hands of our enterprising American cousins, who find that in a country where cooks, or needed servants of any sort, are at…

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