Etiquette: What Time Is That?

This is a list of events and what time they generally should begin. I’ve also added the level of formality, or if they are traditionally women only or separate sex. Breakfast 7-11am / Informal Formal Breakfast 8-11am / Formal Hunt / Sport Breakfast 11am – 12pm / Informal to Formal Elevenses or Coffee 11am-12pm /…

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Etiquette: Modern Degrees of Formality

Did you ever wonder what Informal actually means? What exactly are you supposed to wear to a Business event? Join the club. Casual, Informal, Semi-Formal, ect. were originally meant to tell you what type of seating you might expect. From that you could gather what type of clothing to wear. Here’s the thing, when it…

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Punch: Non-Alcoholic Punch (that you can make sassy)

Soooo… I was trying to find a family recipe for punch that didn’t contain alcohol and there weren’t any. I think this may be because by the time my brother and I were children, there were no other kids in the family. So there never was a need for non-alcoholic punch. I’ve yet to go…

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Breakfasts: Part 5 The Setting and Etiquette of The Breakfast

“This really is the same as the formal Luncheon except the men are invited with the ladies, and coffee is served throughout the meal. The table may be covered or bare. If bare, use doilies for plates and glasses. The arrangement of the cover is the same as for the formal dinner. Lighter dishes are…

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Breakfasts: Part 4 Wedding Breakfasts

The Wedding Breakfast was common in Western countries well into the twentieth century. Now, let me caveat this by saying that when one is discussing a wedding breakfast, one is speaking of the tradition that is tied historically to a Christian tradition. I hope to cover many religious traditions for weddings, (and holidays) in future…

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