The Seeds of Entertaining

When I was little, I loved shopping the library bookstore.  While kids were forced to stay upstairs in the children’s area at the Santa Monica library, in the bookstore, every topic was available.  My first purchases were cookbooks.  I learned to make the kinds of gourmet foods my dad loved and he was happy to encourage me, but…

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Tea: Part 2 High Tea?

“High Tea.  This is really the evening supper… …although sometimes the “high tea” is spread for an earlier hour than supper, say seven or eight o’clock.  The ladies come in visiting costume and the gentlemen in the morning dress in country towns.  In cities, sometimes, dress coats and light gowns are considered essential.  Guests are expected to spend the…

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The Naming of Things: Appetizers, Canapes and Hors d’Oeuvres

People today often use the terms appetizer, canape and hors d’oeuvres interchangeably, but in reality, they are completely different.  Unless you’re in a restaurant, appetizers are usually served with cocktails before the meal.  It’s in the name – they are meant to whet the appetite for the meal ahead.  They should be small enough to be tray passed…

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Tea: Part 1

“For simple and informal entertainment among women, afternoon tea is a delightful change from the usual luncheons.  It may be served to entertain two or three friends, or it may be so arranged that a large number of persons may be entertained in a small space and a comparatively short time.”  Entertaining Guest Etiquette / Children’s…

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The Naming of Things: Collecting

I’m not generally inclined to the snobs point of view, but where I do become a little snobby is in the correct naming of things.  I find this to be especially problematic on Etsy and Ebay.  If you don’t know what something is…. Just say so.  Incorrectly naming something can be funny, unless you’re charging an arm and…

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A Few Words on Collecting Etiquette Books

Etiquette books are a great way to peek into history:  I was once told that the important thing to remember is that etiquette books tend to mention the things that people are getting wrong.  So, if a book mentions that you shouldn’t pick your fingernails with a knife at the table, it’s because enough people were doing…

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