Minutia: Men’s Cologne

“It is bad manners for a gentleman to use perfumes to a noticeable extent.” Encyclopaedia of Business and Social Forms, 1880 Old etiquette books are apparently very opinionated about a man’s toilette. When I was teaching etiquette, I taught a number of eleven and twelve year-old boys.  I used to say that cologne should be used…

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Minutia: Candles on The Table

“The dining-room must be quietly but well lighted.  There should be no glaring lights, but a soft radiance which is so general as to make everything clear.  An electric light hanging eighteen inches above the table, or a tall lamp whose light is at about the same height, either of them well shaded, are satisfactory additions to…

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Cutting Dead

My Friend, In Grecian times citizens who had done wrong might be voted out of society.  Ostracization meant that no one would speak to you and you would be driven from the town, never to return.  It was literally, a living death.  By the Victorian times, a newer, subtler version of ostracization appeared that worked to great effect.  …

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